Flexible convenient EV charging | Eleport - Your charging stations operator


Cities across Europe are racing against time to become greener, reduce pollution and provide the conditions for their citizens to travel sustainably. To do so, municipalities need to expand their EV charging infrastructure in a way that complies with AFIR and Fit for 55 requirements and blends organically with the overall aesthetics of the city, especially in downtown areas. In the current economic climate, an ideal urban charging solution is one that provides the city budget with a predictable income stream without the need for significant upfront investment. As a Charge Point Operator (CPO), our goal is to partner with cities across the CEE region and provide them with solutions that fit all of these criteria and answer all of the following questions:

What tender conditions allow for the best synergy between the CPO and the municipality?

How long would it take to roll out a charging solution for a mid-sized or large city?

How do we avoid high upfront costs?

How can we increase car rotation at centrally located charging stations?

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Our experienced team is ready to answer all of these questions and more.

Talk to our expert